Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Engage the Power of Relationships

Hello Everyone!

When you ask others for help, they will likely say "yes," you will get the help and feel more connected.  The paradox is that you prevent the very thing that works.
Ask for help!

 Dr. Mitchell Perry 

 Engage the Power of Relationships

Human beings need contact, closeness, and affiliation.  Connection is so important that solitary confinement is often used in prison as a means of punishment.  People are generally happier when they feel close, connected, loved, and appreciated.  And, the most common psychological disorder in people is depression.  What is depression?  Depression sets in when the gap is too wide between how one thinks life should be and how it is.  And the biggest contributor to depression is loneliness, feeling rejected, alienated, disconnected, and separate from other people. 


Notice how often you can get more done with people helping.  And, notice how often you want to ask someone for help, but are reluctant either because you are afraid you may be turned down, or you will be perceived as weak. 

However, be reminded of the following axiom:
The first impulse most people have when OFFERED help is to say NO!
But, the first impulse most people have when asked for help is to say YES!
So, remember to engage the power of relationships by asking for help!  To do that, you must change the association you may have between asking for help and appearing weak.  Rather than associate WEAKNESS with the thought of asking for help, associate STRENGTH instead.  Besides, if you do get help, and the resources you need, are you now weaker or actually stronger? 

People like to feel important and asking for help or advice is a great way of making someone feel valued. 

So, start a new behavior pattern... associate strength with asking for help.  Then, start connecting with people and find strength in the power of the group  Engage the power of relationships and replace the "you or me" with "you and me." 

 Dr. Perry on You Tube
 The Magic is in the obvious... so, Embrace Common Sense!

As we all know, common sense is very uncommon!  That is why I have  put together some video vignettes that are sensible, prudent, practical, logical, and reflecting sound judgement. 
So far, there are nine video vignettes on several subjects including:
The Yeah Buts
The Success Formula
Taking Things Too Personally
Common Sense
Shoulding on Others
Multiple Options
Thank You Notes
Announcing Your Honesty
We've had great response so far, with over 900 views!  There are many more to come, so please let us know what you think. 

Log on to http://www.youtube.com/user/JMPerryLearning#p/u

If you want to DO WHAT YOU KNOW, you must equip yourself with the TOOLS to help you engage COMMON SENSE. 

 The Magic of Teamwork
The Secrets of Getting Individuals to Team.

STAR-D: The Secrets of Getting Individuals to Team

DIALOGUE - Open-Ended Questions, Multiple Options and Language Inclusion
This program has been market tested with thousands of teams around the world for over thirty years.  It has a track record of accuracy, originality, and authenticity and has delivered consistent and proven results. 

The Magic of Teamwork CD:      $19.95
The Magic of Teamwork MP3:    $16.95 

NOTICE!  Many of Dr. Perry's recordings are available on iTunes and Amazon.

Applied Common Sense*
*Because common sense is very uncommon... (and you CAN fix stupid!)
The Dr. Mitchell Perry Show: Applied Common Sense* Because common sense is very uncommon... airs Saturdays from 9:00 am - 11:00 am (Pacific) on KVTA AM1520.  It is a little bit reasoning, a little bit education, a lot of laughs, and a whole lot of fun!  Every Saturday morning Dr. Perry takes calls LIVE on his radio show on everything -- including relationships, business advice, personal growth, and the ever popular... "Common Sense is very Uncommon!"
He has a knack for saying it like it is without beating down his listeners.  You can be sure that if there is an answer to your problem, Dr. Perry will help you figure it out.  Listeners call in to get advice, discuss the day's events or simply to give their opinion on the latest topics.

The number to call the studio live is toll free 
855- DR-PERRY (377-3779).

You can also listen to the show by logging on to http://www.kvta.com/ and then click on "LISTEN LIVE." 



Dr. Mitchell Perry
JM Perry Learning 

For more information about JM Perry Learning or JM Perry Products, go to http://www.jmperry.com/ or call 1 (855) DR PERRY.

Dr. Perry would love to speak to your organization!  Call 1 (855) DR PERRY for details!

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